What’s a saying that, to you, once someone says it, you immediately start disliking them?

  1. “It is what it is” and
    “Bros before hos” (when talking about a partner)

  2. Any form of “my kids” – when referring to a pet.

    Your dog is not your son! It is not a child! If you leave a baby alone for 8 hours it dies, when you leave your pet alone it’ll be fine when you come back

  3. “Treat those how you want to be treated” (when they don’t understand the meaning)

  4. “Blood is thicker than water” to say family comes first when the full quote says the complete opposite.

  5. I rarely hear this phrase now as a grown ass man but in my 20’s the phrase “If you can’t handle me at my worst, you don’t deserve me at my best.” Regularly used as an excuse to act ridiculous and expect people to just deal with it.

  6. “Yeah bro it’s cool you train MMA, but like I’m a dirty streetfighter bro, like seriously I black out when I get mad and heads ROLL bro”

    It happens more often than I would like.

  7. In Germany we have a saying that goes “Jedem das Seine” (to each his own) which is a phrase lifted from ancient Roman creed. However, it was also the phrase on the gate of the concentration camp Buchenwald. There it was supposed to tell the inmates they were getting what they deserve. And while there are other ways to say “to each his own” in German there are people who keep saying it like that and have the audacity to feel offended when you point out that they chose to use a phrase from Nazi ideology.


    Sadly enough there are even people who feel that it is funny to say “Arbeit macht Frei” (from Auschwitz’ gate) out of context.

  8. I don’t typically judge people on things like that but I do find it off putting when people say “a minute/hot minute “ when they really mean a long time/duration

  9. “Crocodile closest to the canoe” – it just screams of the sort of person who spends all their time on management courses or campaigning for their next promotion instead of just doing the job.

  10. “I could care less”

    Like… really? How much less? Please tell me how much less you could care. Because you’re telling me you care right now.

  11. “Everything happens for a reason.”

    Yes, cause and effect is a thing. What they’re trying to imply without directly saying it, is that they’re good reasons and whatever is happening to you will benefit you in the end.

  12. I’ve met a number of women who would very proudly proclaim: “I’m a bitch!”. Nope, not dealing with your crazy ass.

  13. When women say, “If mama ain’t happy, no one is happy.”

    That’s a clear admission that she is going to be an emotional bully.

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