I liked this guy for about off and on for four years. Early summer he decided for some odd reason to say ILY just like that and when i asked why he said,*What? i like yogurt*. The next day he started again,love bombing me and saying stuff like,*ILY, marry me* and sending me a bunch of hearts etc. After that i decided to just block him. Months later he texted me because i blocked him on instagram and not messages i replied just saying,*What* and he left me on read, even though he texted me. A few weeks ago school had started up and of course he had classes with me. When i look at him i feel nothing. No butterflies my heart doesnt pound,absolutely nothing towards him yet, i always find myself looking at him.I am not sure if my mind doesnt like him but my body does or if i like him but im just so used to him my heart doesnt beat that fast anymore. I have no idea. but i know hes not a good person and i dont want to like him. Please help give me ideas of what this is because i have no idea. Im trying to find someone thats actually a good person because i guess i attract toxic people. I have no idea. But your help would be appreciated.

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