How do you appear charismatic and magnetic at social settings?

  1. lol what?

    If I’m at a social setting I’ll just be myself, I’m not trying to appear anything.

  2. I ask questions about the person who I am talking to, even if idfc. People love to talk about themselves.

  3. Question, question, joke/contribution. Laugh really hard at what people say. Genuinely listen. Have a bubbly/light personality. Be worldly

  4. Dress clothes that fit, don’t take one and a half seats, have clean skin, clean hair, and if you look good enough by default, you’ll be magnetic to others. If you are kind, able to listen, capable of relating with others, able to talk less and smile more, then you will be charismatic.

    People will usually gravitate to people who they want to be like or be seen around. So confidence in yourself is everything, and the way you look will give you more options of people.

  5. Smile, flatter, ask questions, engage in whatever they are talking about and show interest in it. If it’s something you know nothing about, ask them to tell you about it. If you do know about the subject, ask questions about their specific situation/story. That shows you know your stuff without you just boasting about it.

  6. What I do is assume everyone there already likes me and wants to be my friend. Like others said, ask questions about them but also tell stories you’d tell to a friend like a funny thing that happened to you that day. It’s easier for me to skip the small talk relating to logistics of who they are and why they are at said social event. I prefer to tell a silly story about a show I’m watching or something and the conversation flows more naturally. Also remember people’s names and refer to them by name later on when you meet them again. Lastly, if you don’t vibe with a group of people, let the conversation die and move on to talking to other people. You don’t have to force anything!

  7. Straighten you back, pull your shoulders back and relax. Have a warm smile. Say hi first.

    Understand that everyone has anxieties and be kind!

  8. Practice good listening skills, ask questions that don’t have a binary answer, and express interested/positive body language.

    People like to be around people who make them feel good.

  9. Keep your head up when you walk into a room (and when walking around), make eye contact and move slowly, smiling at people who look back. Once you get into a conversation, that person has now become the most interesting person in the room and your job is to learn WHY they are the most interesting person in the room. If other people try to join this most interesting conversation with the most interesting person, they have now joined an exclusive group where they are also the most interesting person. Ask them if they know the most interesting person, get them engaged in conversation with each other because they are both so interesting. When you find an out because they are now engaged in interesting conversation, kindly excuse yourself. Rinse and repeat the rest of the night. Make an effort to remember names and repeat them often. Create follow ups and reasons to re engage with all these interesting people. Smile a lot and genuinely believe that everyone you talk to is the most interesting person. Because they are!

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