I know I don't have the best social skills. I'm glad I found this sub to bounce ideas off.
So I 48f have a small problem with my roommate 30 something f. My go to is to be so incredibly straight forward it's rude. I'm trying to scale back. We both said we should be good friends since neither one of us has many girl friends. However…..when I talk to her and have a complaint or tell a story, basically ANY time I mention something, she automatically goes to defend the other guy.
Example. I get into a fender bender and I'm upset, it wasn't my fault. I tell her how upset I am and I was late for work. Instead of " aww man that sucks, do you need a ride or anything?" Shell be like " maybe they just started driving, maybe they were tired, hungry, distracted"….whatever. Like im so insenstive i couldnt ever think of another person, Im not. Sometimes a person needs a friend to vent to. what I hear is you are wrong for feeling that way.
I totally get if I was constantly negative, I'm definitely not. I've thought about just being up front and ask why she does this. I'd like more of a passive approach, something I could say in passing to make her think.
There is more of a social dynamic going on also,it's just too much to type. This sums it up.

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