My (31F) boyfriend (30M) of 8 months has been really disappointing me lately in terms of keeping commitments. I don't mean in terms of cheating, that's one thing he would never do and I would never condone. These are just general commitments such as offering to pick something up for dinner and forgetting, arranging to meet me and then double booking, arranging a "date" and then bringing a family member along, saying he will stay over and then making other plans.

It's always last minute that he will change things as well. For instance this week he stayed at mine one night as it was convenient for work, leaves for work the next afternoon, he then calls at 7pm to say he wasn't coming back to mine that night (even though he left his stuff and had told me he would be back on the train later) because he had bumped into his sister and was going to do something with her instead. His stuff is still at mine btw.

Each time he does this I hold it in at the time, say it's fine I'll see him later. But then when I see him I bring it up how disappointing it is that I always seem to be second best. The last time he did this he even "pinky promised" which I hadn't heard of adults doing EVER, that he wouldn't do it again. I never asked him to do this, he said it was to show how serious he was and that he understood how upset he made me.

I'm starting to think this is a pattern and that I'll never be number 1 choice. I'm a person who sticks with commitments unless it's 100% unavoidable to change. Am I being unreasonable asking for him to be more reliable? He says this is a long term relationship to him, but I can't help thinking I can't trust him long term to follow through with anything. I'm seriously rethinking this relationship at this stage.

TL;DR: is it unreasonable to expect my man to be as reliable as me in a relationship, and not to change plans last minute.

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