
I’ve been chatting to this guy (he’s 50) online for about two months and have met up every Saturday for the last six weeks. We’ve also messaged for many hours online. I’m just wondering if it’s weird that he won’t tell me the exact date of his birthday (I know the month and year), or his surname. Is this weird? I’d tell him my surname and date of birth at this stage. At what stage should these details be shared and for what reasons would someone conceal these details?

Why’s he being so secretive? I’m genuinely starting to worry he’s a criminal or something.

  1. At this point he should have divulged this informationt to you. I completely understand being secretive before you have met someone or after a few meet ups with someone you have met online. A lot of scammers and shady people out there.

    He is probably hiding something. Most likely he is a few years older. Could be married.

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