I'm 43.5, almost exactly. In the last few weeks, it feels like my gut just… dropped. My pants suddenly don't fit in the oh-so-fashionable stuffed sausage geriatric millennial style that I'm used to. But I weigh the same. My hips hurt. I can't bend forward as far. Sitting at my desk (and god forbid the car) for extended periods are brutal. I did just come across an article about aging markers around 44 and 60. Did I just get old this summer!?!?!

EDIT: I am lightly active. Walk a couple miles a day. On my feet on and off for work.

  1. That’s… Probably a doctor visit. Your weight should just shift like that. Not exactly how that works.

  2. Scary! I started powerlifting three years ago at 35 and I’ve literally never felt better. My face is starting to look old and my hair is half grey, but I *feel* awesome. I worry if I ever stop training I’ll be fucked at this point, so I guess I… won’t stop.

  3. I quit my desk job and became a delivery driver. Best decision of my life. Half the pay but in the best shape of my life (44) outside of high school. So my advice would be to quit your job and get a physical blue collar job (or I guess just hit the gym).

  4. I saw something recently that there was a small study done at Stanford that concluded that the human body doesn’t age consistently and that there are marked aging spikes around 44 and 60 years old. But not sure whether it’s a result of biological processes or something people change.

    Edit: I should finish reading the OP before posting…

  5. I lift and run 3-5 times a week to prevent this as much as I can

    I have 225lb Zercher Good Morning and can run a 1hr 10k.

    I don’t care what my age is, I refuse to get *old*.

  6. I don’t think it really happened one day. It was due to eating poorly and drinking too much. I had always exercised regularly but that other stuff kind of offset it in the other direction. The last couple months I’ve been eating better and changed my exercise to more lifting and I’ve even seeing results.

  7. i might have bypassed this as at that age i was quite active whilst recovering from cancer, so things were trending up. got to fit some activity in the weekly schedule, for mental and physical benefits. i was coaching kids footie which got me out and active, and spending time with my kids, and at the gym twice a week. getting out on a bike to do stuff locally with the kids added up as well

  8. I read that article too!!!! It said 44 and 60 you significantly age the most yikes

  9. Drink more water and spend less time with your wife. Lol jk but seriously, drink more water.

  10. I’ve got over a decade on you and find that when I set my diet and training (running and resistance) appropriately, over time my physique gets increasingly better. And vice versa.

    What’s your height and weight?

  11. You need to be more than lightly active. It sucks but we’re not made to sit all day. Find a hobby that gets you moving and join a cheap gym so you have access to an Elliptical or treadmill a few times a week (especially in winter when it’s harder to be outside).

    Stretching every day, regular exercise, better sleep, cutting back on sugar/alcohol, and some good mobility exercises will all help.

    Go see a doctor first about the sudden weight gain, but if it’s just diet related, come join us at r/LoseIt

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