Since I was young I've always been labelled as a sort of misfit (not to sound emo), but no matter what I try, I can't make strong, long lasting connections with others outside of romantic relationships.

My boyfriend used to spend every second of every day with me and while i userstand that's not necessarily healthy, he didn't have any friends either, up until about a week ago. Since he's reconnected with some friends he's very suddenly switched to hardly speaking to me, and when he does, it's late at night so after about 2 minutes, he goes to bed.

I feel like I sit around all day waiting for him to talk to me because none of my hobbies interest me anymore and I don't have anyone else to speak to. I'm not in college right now to distract me, my father plays games or works all day, and the two friends I do have rarely speak to me and if they do, it's so draining and I feel like I don't click with them that well.

I've always been an introvert and has pretty bad depression which mainly gets triggered by constant boredom, so without my boyfriend I've got nothing to do. I don't want to be so reliant on him and I don't want to be so uncomfortable with him spending time with his friends, so I want to make friends of my own, but at this point I just feel incompatible with everyone I speak to. I really need help with this because it's been really badly affecting my quality of life and I just want to properly live again

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