I 29f have been with my hubby 32m for ten years married for two years. We met online when we were students at different schools. We have a great relationship however I recently discovered that he has been texting and calling another women regularly. Nothing overtly flirtatious but he hides their text message/ calls from me (literally started making phone calls in his car), apologizes to her when they can’t talk and will tell her that he’s with his wife (me) and they can talk later. It is also important to note that she lives in another country (his home country) so I know that they are not physically intimate.

I went through his email today and found out that he is even sending her money. I am currently 8 months pregnant with our first child and feel so betrayed. He always says he’s broke and has no savings which I think is curious cause he makes 90k a year. I have tried to be supportive by helping him pay off his credit card. He also says he is unable to pay for anything outside our standard expenses meaning I have had to use my savings to purchase a new fridge, maternity photos, bathroom Reno’s, baby items etc… For reference we make similar income 80k/ 90k however I own our current home as I purchased it prior to our marriage.

How do I confront him about this and do I have the right to be angry? We have separate bank accounts and spilt all expenses equally but it’s the secret calls and text messages that gets to me as I always thought we were honest and open. I recently brought up that I have been feeling like he has been more critical and easily annoyed by me and he was very dismissive and said that I hurt his feelings by not recognizing all his sacrifices.

He has done something similar in the past but that was simply flirting on social media.

Please let me know does this sound like an emotional affair?

Recently found out that my 29f hubby 32m of two years has been secretly texting and calling another woman daily and he sends her money. He calls her when I leave for work or if we’re both home he’ll go on a walk or take her calls in his car. He does not know that I know about this relationship/ secret friendship. Nothing sexual has occurred as far as I can see from text messages. I am scared to approach him with this as he typically will just deny and becomes defensive in these situations and I am emotional as I am 8 months pregnant right now. Is this worth pursuing does this sound like an emotional affair?

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