Turned 29 today. I have mixed feelings about getting closer to 30, and I’d just like to hear how things got better for some of you once you crossed the threshold. Trying to convince myself the best is yet to come!

  1. >Can you all leave some examples of how your life improves after 30?

    It will not improve, unless you make it happen yourself.

    Your 30th birthday is just another day.

    The game is still the same.

    You *only* get back what you put in.

  2. Things that once seemed high stakes won’t be as stressful because you’ve been there before and survived.

  3. My 30s were great! I finally had spare money so I could travel and have fun while still paying off my student loans, I had almost all the energy of my 20s, but a lot more emotional maturity.

    For me it was the perfect balance between youth and wisdom.

    Of course part of that is the fact that I spent my 20s establishing my career and working through my childhood BS, and in my 20s I wasn’t very fit, which I changed in my 30s, but instead of missing how in shape I had been in my 20s, I was in the best shape of my life. I didn’t had kids so I was able to focus more on myself. So that doesn’t mean that your 30s will be great, but they certainly can be!

  4. i make more money in a more secure job. i married the woman i was living with at 30, and that’s awesome. my kid is *almost* out of the house. i was never a slob, but got in the best shape of my life in my 40s. i found a hobby i was passionate about. the end of my mortgage is in sight. i’ve continued to mature and grow intellectually but won’t bore you with that.

    my 20s were great. 30s were better. 40s, better still.

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