I could really use advice on how to approach this with my boyfriend because it’s bothering me and I’m terrible at finding the right way to phrase my concerns. We’ve been together for 2 years and change, he normally has a pretty high sex drive but the last six months it’s almost completely vanished. He’s initiated once in that time. Turns me down whenever I try save for about once a month when he goes along with it I’m guessing to pacify me based on his body language. Sex for its own sake isn’t all that important to me to be honest. I’ve gone long amounts of time without it by choice. When I’m in a relationship my drive tends to be higher because it’s connecting and fun and I like feeling close to my partner. That all being said, just him turning me down on its own isn’t really what’s getting to me. I get that sometimes you’re just not in the mood. But this is unusual for him. I know him very well and he isn’t great at hiding his emotions, he hasn’t seemed overly stressed lately or given me any reason to worry about his mental health. Stressors from work have significantly improved the last several months. Everything seems to be fine, except this, and when I’ve attempted to bring it up before he acted a bit odd. Like he was very uncomfortable and wanted to change the subject very quickly. I’m getting the feeling he isn’t telling me something, whether that be because he doesn’t want to hurt my feelings or something is bothering him that he’s afraid to say, I don’t know. But I have no idea what to do or say. I get very anxious when trying to communicate serious concerns and always wind up stumbling over my words or rambling. I would really appreciate any advice.

TLDR; my boyfriend has lost his sex drive and is acting off when the subject is brought up. I need advice on how to bring this up to him because I am struggling to find the right words

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