30m, no friends, last relationship of 4 months ended in January.

I’m curious if being inherently unlikable is a thing. I’m tall, in shape, “traditionally handsome”, but for the life of me can’t make it work. I always blamed it on being incredibly socially anxious, but even others in my spot do it.

Any job I’ve worked at the past ten years, I’m super friendly and get along super well with everyone at work. I’m a gaming/tv/nerd type so I always aim for that group. Again, they’re nice enough, but it never goes beyond that. Yet, people who I start the job with at the same time manage to work into the deeper friend group and get invited to things. For example, I was the only one not invited of the warehouse crew (10 peeps) to this DND night when I worked there.

Also, beyond high school I feel like making friends is harder because friend groups become more solidified and picky about new entries.

At this point, I’ve forgotten what I’d even do if I had a friend. I’ve just about lived the same amount of life without friends than I did with. It gets lonely.

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