Let me explain: for anyone who is late-millennial or early-zoomer in Italy, the collapse of the Twin Towers and the attacks of September 11, 2001 are linked to an episode of Melevisione.

Melevisione was a popular children's program that aired for 16 years and in 2001 aired around 3 p.m. on Rai3, a national network. It was also very popular because in the early afternoon there were no other children's programs, so if you turned on the TV (in the era without kid channels, Youtube, streaming services…) you only had that to watch.

At 3 p.m. Italian time, the first tower was hit and, like all the other channels, Rai3 also started an extraordinary edition of the news, suddenly interrupting the show. It was a bit of a shock and a kind of loss of innocence: from a colorful and harmless fantasy forest to images of flames, death, and terror.

Although popular, it did not have the 100 percent share of children at the time: yet for Mandela effect all 30-year-olds today are convinced that they were watching that episode of Melevision at the time of the attacks. The event is still mentioned in modern songs, demonstrating its generational value.

Is there something similar in your countries? Are the attacks (for Europe in the early afternoon) related for you to any local side-events that only concerned your country?

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