My ex boyfriend (24) and I (22) broke up under bad circumstances six weeks ago. I was so hurt and sad but it seemed like it didn’t phase him in the aftermath. We have continuously met up and had intercourse almost twice most weekends since and he’s stayed longer beyond the inter course to kiss, cuddle and talk. We broke up because of his trust issues even though I’ve never given him a reason not to trust me, other than the fact I had gone out with my male housemates without telling him, I didn’t think it was relevant, and now he “doesn’t trust” me. I really want to get back together with him but I just want to know if that might be possible. He won’t talk about it and said we will only argue if we do so I’m keeping quiet for now. I wonder if I give him no attention will he miss me and want to rekindle things? How should I approach this? Should I cut contact? For context, this weekend we both went out to a local bar and I was talking to some man and everywhere I looked he gave me dirty looks and laughed at me, yet still ended up in my bed that night and the next night. I don’t know what he wants, surely if it’s just sec he would simply leave after the deed? We’ve kissed, cuddled, talked about so many things, exactly how things were when we were in a relationship. it’s so confusing.

  1. I feel as if you should leave him. He’s pushing and pulling you. He doesn’t want to trust you but he is okay with hooking up with you. If you are single thereafter, then you are free to do as you choose. His feelings shouldn’t overbear your decisions in who you want to be around or what you want to do. If you two broke up and he’s still around six weeks later, he’s overstayed his welcome. A decision was made to split, so there is good reason to remain that way.

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