Early on in our marriage, I cooked regularly. But since my wife quit her paid job a few years ago, the kitchen seems to be a forbidden place for me.

I would not mind cooking again now and then, but I don’t care enough about it to start the discussion.

How about you? Do you share the cooking, and cleaning the kitchen? Or do you have different roles in the household?

  1. I cook regularly but she cooks more. I tend to clean as I go when I cook so there isn’t much to do when I’m done. When my wife cooks it’s like a bomb went off in the kitchen. Her food is fantastic though so I can’t complain.

    Often our teenage children clean up after dinner since they rarely cook anything that doesn’t use a microwave or a toaster.

  2. I made dinner for myself today, so a few hours ago?

    We don’t have any set rules for cooking. The gf does it more often but I am pretty sure that is because she gets to pick the menu if she does. That said I do cook at times and we also sometimes just do our own dinners.

    Chores are kind of all over the place. Inside its slightly more her. Outside its pretty much entirely me.

  3. I cook the “home cooked” meals usually 3-4 times per week. Wife cooks the low skill, “remove from bag place in oven” meals a few times a week when I decide I’m too tired to cook after work. Both of us work full time

  4. I never had an affinity for cooking and my wife is a fantastic cook, so it’s probably been a few years since I’ve cooked a family meal. But I regularly prepare dinner for the kids when the wife is working and occasionally help out with the cooking. Usually grilling.

  5. 8 hours ago. I made lasagna, though I can’t eat it anymore. But the kids love it and look forward to it.

  6. Yesterday. Medium rare Ribeye steak with a twice baked potato. Wife loved it. On days off I do most of cooking and cleaning, but that’s because my wife is chronically ill.

  7. I love my wife, but she can’t cook to save a life. We both work, but I cook in bulk so we had enough left-overs for a week.

  8. On Monday, I think. I enjoy cooking and find it a good way to destress, but there’s rarely time or energy to do it.

    My wife is a stay at home mom, but, originally, before we had a kid, we divided labour along the lines of cooking, bills, finances and travel (me) and cleaning, medical records and family/social obligations (her), with laundry being a shared responsibility.

    This arrangement worked really well, but kind of fell apart during the chaos and exhaustion of the baby years. The division of labour is a bit murky now that we’ve been a single income household for the past 5 years. Generally, I’m still in charge of grocery shopping and inventory and I try to cook at least two meals per week, because otherwise we end up grazing on sandwiches, snacks and processed foods.

  9. My husband is a married man and he cooked Tuesday. He cooks almost every night. He likes doing it, and especially got into the science of it during Covid and likes experimenting. I suck at it, I set the fire alarm off, I have to follow recipe rules to the T else I get nervous like I ruined everything. If I was a sim, my cooking skill would be 2 at best. I’ll ‘sous chef’ for him sometimes and he likes that and it was agreed upon when we married I would do dirty dishes because he hates them and it’s only fair because he feeds me well.

  10. Most nights, I cook the meat whilst the wife makes a salad or cooks the veggies. The only times I don’t help is when she is making one of her masterpieces.

  11. My wife is a stay at home mom. She usually does all the house related thing. We also have 6 kids. Sometimes she gets overwhelmed or is just exhausted by the time I get home. I work a hard job and I know hers is not easy so I have zero problems cooking or doing what needs to get done so she can relax. On Saturdays I normally bbq. I’m usually the first person awake and occasionally ill put together a meal in the crock pot and make kids lunches to make her day easier.

  12. Last night. Love my wife to death, she does the dishes, and is the primary bread winner, but…..the woman has burned hard boiled eggs. Twice.

    If she learned how to cook I’d be out of a job.

  13. I made some turkey poblano street tacos a couple days ago.

    Have you considered making stuff together? Mutual cooking is really enjoyable in my opinion.

  14. Yesterday. I cook dinner everyday. My wife helps if she’s home, which is most nights, but sometimes she has late meetings or whatnot.

  15. We share the cooking 50/50, both work professional jobs. Each evening, one person cooks and the other cleans up, seems like a fair deal.

    *(Although my wife seems to use every pot / pan we own each time she cooks, so I feel like I’m getting a raw deal with the washing – but she is a better cook, suppose I can’t complain.)*

    Definitely sometimes it feels like a chore to have to cook, but sometimes I quite enjoy it too, so I could understand if you stopped completely that you might miss it a little.

  16. I cook the evening meal 5+ times a week and make my wife a sandwich to take to work every weekday morning. I make the kids their evening meals seperately before our evening meal.

    As long as everyone stays out of the kitchen while i’m busy then I’m happy cooking. Last night was lamb steaks, potato gratin and veg. She buys the food and picks the meals; I make them.

    My wife is a very hard working senior nurse. I’m just a lazy bum tech worker. Making food isn’t hard or special if you can follow basic instructions and manage multiple timings.

  17. The night before last because tonight we got takeout. I cook every night so that I don’t have to do the dishes, my husband can’t cook for shit so it works out nicely.

  18. I do the dishes about 60-70% of the time. I really don’t cook. My wife makes healthy meals for the family. I let her.

  19. Deal is if you cook, the other cleans. Depending on your mood, energy level, or what you want for dinner (we each cook different stuff), then we pick roles. I know if I hear the fridge open and stuff getting moved to the counter, I don’t feel guilty about not helping because I know I’ll be scrubbing pots later

  20. Night before last. I attempted a new recipe called “taco puffs”. Basically just a biscuit with taco meat in it. Mine ended up being more like taco sandwiches but they were still good.

    We trade off the duty, just kinda play it by ear.

  21. Not married yet but I make dinner about half the time, maybe more. Last time was last night.

  22. I cooked dinner last nite. I do the lions share of cooking. My wife doesn’t care to cook and she’s not that great at it. She makes a couple good dishes but lacks imagination to make stuff outside of the box. That and I like cooking and am good at it.

  23. > Or do you have different roles in the household?

    We settle into sub-roles of cooking. I do almost all complicated from scratch dinner courses which is more than half of them, although she is the salad making queen, I almost never made kids lunches probably less than 10 times in my life (before the kids were big enough to make their own lunches with supervision), she will do remove-from-bag-and-heat dinners, baking and decorating cakes is 100% her, due to the layout of our backyard grilling means moving the grill and I have the upper body strength to laugh at that task and my wife does not, so I do 100% grilling. She does very near 100% of the mixed drinks when we occasionally sip something nice on the patio. She does 100% of pancakes and I do almost all omelets, we each have our unique flipping abilities, I guess. I am the only one in my household to have ever brewed beer, wine, or mead and I am the exclusive bread baker back when I made homemade GF bread for a family member (he doesn’t eat bread anymore, generally)

    (edited to note there are also some dietary restrictions in this mix, I do low carb and don’t eat pancakes or cakes so I’m not going to cook them LOL but my wife makes them for the kids sometimes, I eat more meat so I tend to run the grill to make a grilled chicken salad or something like that)

  24. Please wind that part back about her deciding to quit her job and not work outside the home anymore. Are you sure that was a mutual decision?

  25. I get home before my wife so I do most of the cooking. Last night was Fettuccini Cabonara, the night before was grilled salmon with asparagus and garlic bread. Yes I am just using this thread to brag a little.

  26. My wife and I are on different diet plans, she cooks her food and I meal prep mine a couple times a week.

    Last night she was feeling sick so I cooked her meal for her.

  27. Last night. We take turns cooking dinner but nobody keeps score. It’s basically whoever is off work first. I do most of the kitchen cleaning though because it’s kinda zen for me.

  28. Since both my wife and I work pretty demanding jobs, we share house chores and responsibilities. I have an affinity for cooking, So I chose cooking duties. Ive gotten pretty good at it too through the years hahah

  29. I cook most nights. We started because I was home first, but I’m also the better cook. She cleans the kitchen after I cook.

  30. I cooked (or we ate out) all but 2 meals in our entire 9 year relationship.

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