About a month ago my wife suggested we go see a counselor to work on our communication. I was hesitant but agreed to go. We had our first session and I thought it was very positive, we both had some things to bring up, but I left excited to start improving our relationship. I thought she felt the same.

Starting a few days later she was very cold and short with me for about 10 days. I thought it was just something bugging her so I tried to give her some time and I did some extra things around the house to maybe try to please her. A couple of days ago she sat me down and told me she feels we're not the same people as we used to be, and she's not romantically interested in me anymore. She's been feeling this way for a while but didn't know how to bring it up. She said she can't just give it 10 years or so and doesn't think it will really get better, and the take-a-ways from the counselor she thought were minor things and won't help. She also said if we met now she wouldn't date me. This was devastating for me. I haven't haven't eaten for almost 2 days, crying, barely sleeping.

We just got back from our 2nd counselor session and discussed everything. She said she's willing to continue to go and try to fix the relationship, but I felt major hesitation and she blatantly said she doesn't think it'll change her feelings. I understand everything she was saying, and I tried to say that we've been together a very long time (15 years altogether) and relationships have their ups and downs, but together we can get back on track.

Additional info: We have two kids, 7 & 9. She has a much better career and make about twice as I do. I think she's very attractive, more so then me. I still have a decent career and make about $85k. I think I'm also attractive, but put on some extra weight.

I seriously think we can be happy again (I think I still am). But it's going to take work and I want to do everything I can to save my marriage. Any suggestions would be helpful.

TL/DR: my wife said she's not romantically interested in me anymore, I'll do anything to save this marriage.

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