My SO and I have been together for around 1 year and a half. We live in a poor country, for everyone here moving abroad is a dream come true. Before I met my SO, I was single for 8 years and he has never had a serious girlfriend before so we were both single for a very long time.

I was single because the guys I dated were either awful, we just didn’t click, or have similar future goals. Then I met my SO, we click on so many levels and have similar future goals. On top of this, he’s genuinely the kindest, sweetest, most thoughtful person I’ve ever met. He would never hurt anyone or speak even speak ill of others, I’ve never met a person so good. He treats me so well. Meeting him changed my life and my entire perspective on dating. I was so used to dating men who were unkind and he showed me what a real loving relationship should be like.

He said I gave him the confidence that he can find a girlfriend by just being himself. He had low confidence being single all his life. I’m not really a romantic person but I genuinely think our relationship is a beautiful thing. We’re so happy together and in love.

Now I have this opportunity to move abroad for a better life. My SO understands an opportunity like this cannot slip away. We don’t want to do LDR. We’ve both accepted that our time together is limited (5 months left before I leave) and want the best for each other even if that means finding other partners. We did agree to stay friends though and catch up if ever I come back. We couldn’t help ourselves but we also agreed that if we’re both still single in our late 30s we should meet up. I know it’s silly but can’t help it. I go to therapy and my therapist thinks this is ok to do.

It’s so hard because I’m not looking forward to going out into the dating world again. I think we can all agree modern dating sucks. I already found an amazing man and I’m so sad to leave him. I cry a lot just thinking about this.

Any advice for my situation? How do we make the most out of the 5 months left? He can’t bring me to the airport (my family is bringing me and they don’t know him) so how should we spend our last days together? Should we go cold turkey and stop talking at a certain time or let it slowly fizzle out?

Should I keep all our pics and videos? I want to keep them but I don’t know if that’ll just hurt me. I keep all my pics in general.

TLDR: After being single for a almost a decade, I’ve met the love of my life and we have been dating for the past year and a half. I get an opportunity of a lifetime to move abroad for a better life (we’re from a poor country) and now we have to break up. How do I get through this as painlessly as possible?

  1. Just be gentle and kind. With each other and yourselves. With time it’ll hurt less.

  2. You don’t need to go out into the dating world again immediately. You can just focus on yourself. Good luck either way.

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