Idk who needs to hear this but here’s a little piece of advice for everyone.

If they don’t properly and unconditionally love themselves, they’ll never properly and unconditionally love you. That’s it

We live in a world filled with unhappy people, who are unhappy with the lives they live and the skin they’re in. Who are constantly trying to find happiness in other people and things. How many times do we hear people say “you should try dating” to those who are unhappy with themselves? This is bad advice. Most of the time this causes more problems in the long run.

The most dangerous people in the world are the ones who are constantly trying to find happiness and validation in other things and people.

We must learn to love ourselves and learn to be happy alone before we can truly be happy with anyone else.

So ask yourself the next time you’re on a date or in the talking stage or in a relationship/situationship “does this person truly love themselves” or better yet ask them!

It’s also not your job to try and fix or force anyone to change. That can solely be up to them and God. The best you can do is help them become more self aware by helping point out where and what is the source for their unhappiness so they can decide to make a change. I hope this helps someone. God speed

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