It's been a while since I posted, but I got a lot of comments from my original post so I figured I'd provide an update. I have the post linked below, but as a ref ref refresher, my fiancee (who I had been with for 4 years) was DM'd a very graphic video of me from before I knew him and he broke up with me.

Since my post, we did have a few conversations but none ever really went anywhere, as it basically boiled down to him saying he didn't think he would be able to spend the rest of his life with someone who would do something like I did. I tried explaining that it was a mistake and something I would never even consider doing again but it didn't really seem to matter to him I guess. Obviously he is free to make his own decisions about his life, but it's just devastating to me that this happened. I was an am crazy in love with him and it's all gone because of something that happened before I even knew he existed.

So I guess pretty short update. I haven't talked to him for about a month because there's really nothing else to say to him I guess. A lot of people had asked me to post an update at the time of the original post, and I guess I was just getting around to it now. Thanks for reading.

TL;DR: My fiancee did not see things the way I did and we have broken up permanently I would assume.

Original post:

  1. Going back through your account history.. This sucks to hear. I think trying to look at your story and putting myself in your fiancee’s shoes I’d find it hard to see a video like that, especially if I didn’t know it had happened beforehand. But I guess the worst part on your end is that you’re actually the victim of a crime and he didn’t support you in that. Someone sent revenge porn to your ex with the obvious hopes of ruining your relationship and he fell for it. You shouldn’t be punished for decisions you made in your past as far as I’m concerned.

  2. This is a case of revenge porn and you should speak to the police about this. Sorry this happened to the both of you!

  3. If it makes you feel any better, I don’t think this man was actually marriage material.

    You didn’t cheat. You didn’t lie. It just never came up. You’re actually a victim of a crime. He can feel bad about it (I wouldn’t want to see a video of the person I was with with past partners) but to dump you over it is extremely immature imo.

    Would he have stood by you when much harder things in life and your relationship happened? Doubtful.

    After it stops hurting, I wish you the best in finding someone better. Hope you can find someone who accepts this history and supports you in the way you deserve ❤️

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