I’m female (19), my currently ex (20)

Well, 2 weeks ago my ex-boyfriend said he couldn’t go on anymore with my anxiety and that he needed a break from me, because he couldn’t deal with it.

He has aspergers and I have anxiety. So it wasn’t easy for him to understand me. We were together for 2 years but in the last couple of months he was very mad at me because I wanted to go from the relationship because of my anxiety and I didn’t want to hurt him.

2 weeks ago I had an anxiety attack in front of him where I cut myself because I wasn’t feeling in control, I’m much better now, I talked to my psychologist and she explained to me and that hasn’t repeated at all.
But he said that I scared him that he can’t go on with this, that he needs his time and go to a psychologist because he doesn’t understand why I did this.

I tried to explain but every time I did he said that I only care to justify myself instead of hearing him and how he felt, that this event did something to him and it’s independent from my anxiety that he saw me cutting myself and it triggered something on his brain.
And he can’t keep going that he needs a break and that he can’t talk to me because this situation broke him.

He asked me to wait till July until he decided if he wanted to be with me and work it out because he knows he wants to be with me he just needs time.
I told him that I respected his decision that
I understood why he needs this but I don’t want to wait will July to get my closure, so I let him go.

Now 1 week later I feel so bad and lonely and I miss him because I love him, I just don’t know if I made the right choice by not waiting for him.

  1. We can’t tell you if the right choice was made.

    All we can say is you need to focus on yourself l, there seems to be a lot you need to work on and keep seeing your psychologist.

    It’s probably for the best.

  2. Two people with any degree of neurodivergence/mental disorder will always have a harder time establishing an effective communication barrier.
    But, speaking from 10 years of experience, it could become the best relationship you’ll have because once one person understands you, everything changes.

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