Now that it’s warm, what’s your favourite thing to do shirtless?

I love doing gardening and yard work shirtless, feeling that sun on my back.

  1. Working in the yard shirtless? You must not live where I live, you’d be one good yellow fly or horse fly swarm away from wearing a jacket. I do like to sleep shirtless though, yes I love that.

  2. Last time I was outside shirtless it was buggy and I got a terrible sunburn. I now like to *sleep* without a shirt is my answer lol.

  3. Idk about shirtless but I like to ahem…dance with attractive people pantless

  4. Putting on a freshly cleaned shirt straight from the dryer on a chilly morning.

  5. I’m too fat to do anything shirtless. I don’t need to subject anyone else’s eyes to that torment.

  6. stand in the window with my nipple clamps on so that Sally in 1A has something to run her god damn mouth about.

  7. Flex in the mirror. 🙂 I live alone, so it’s an easy thing to do.

  8. How about the opposite that was happening after reading this. A giant fat cat wanting attention, and you’re pantless. FUUUUUUUUU

  9. I’d be more likely to take my shirt off in winter. It’s fun to jump out of a hot tub into some powder then get back in, or run around drunk in the snow for a a few seconds and try get warm back inside. It wakes you up!

    I’m a 30 year old man.

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