Oh well here we go. I'm (21M) together with my gf (21F) since I was 17. So now 3 years and a few months. She's my first girlfriend and she's great. She loves me unconditionally and would never cheat on me.

However, I've been feeling unsure about the relationship for quite some time now. I always ignored my feeling and thought "this must be normal, this feeling will fade". By now, she's a part of my family, my great aunt wants to go to vacation with her and me, my aunts like her, my grandparents LOVE her. And I always thought everyone loves her, my feelings must be stupid. But now a week a go we had a long discussion where I told her something I didn't like about her (nothing bad). That evening she told me that maybe she's not right for me, maybe I just got used to her and can't recognise that it's not love because I haven't been in a relationship before. This got me thinking a lot. She is sensitive and I am not, I have to be careful about what I say and with what tone I say it. This is really tiring for me, but I did it up until now because I love her (but it doesn't feel like I'm beeing myself). I always wanted to work more, I want to be better off financially, but she doesn't want me to work more, the opposite, she already feels like we don't have enough time together. She basically lives with me at my parents place and so we are together non stop. But I know she would spend all this time together cuddling, watching movies, drawing and so on, but I also want to spend lots of time on my projects and on "me time".

I want to relax on vacation, she wants to see stuff and go do stuff; I love sports, she doesn't; she loves music (instruments), I don't; I'm an open and extroverted person, she's introverted and shyest person I've ever met;

Basically I feel like I can't give her what she needs: lots of love and affection. She's great, she cooks great, she cares for me, she's always been there for me. But god damn I can't shake this feeling.

As much as I hate saying this, I was always attracted to her friend. She's more like me, she's sure about herself, relaxes, I get along great with her family (much better than with my girlfriends even though they know me better). I always felt a strong attraction towards her. This doesn't mean I would break up with my girlfriend for her, since she probably wouldn't want me anyways since she's my girlfriends best friend, but I'm writing this to give you an idea of how I feel.

I need help guys, did any of you break up with a girlfriend you felt like didn't fit to you/you couldn't give her what she needs but was otherwise awesome and regret it? It's really hard because if I would break up I woudn't just break her heart, she would also have to go back home living with her family (she doesn't feel at home there, plenty of problems). We experienced a LOT together and it would be difficult to lose that.

Edit: Please don't be mean, I'm trying to take the right decision for myself, but also for her sake. She's an awesome person, she deserves the world.

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