Original: https://www.reddit.com/r/relationship_advice/s/bciEC6GBRa

First, I want to thank everyone who commented on my original post. I mostly posted to vent, and I’m really glad I did.

Now for the update: I decided to rip the bandaid off and end things. Engagement is ended. Relationship is ended. All of it.

After dinner, our son was taking a nap and I asked fiancé (26M) when he planned on moving out. Long story short, I had him pack a bag and stay elsewhere tonight. He will start packing his belongings tomorrow. I realized that I can’t do this – I can’t forgive being told he “loves me less.” That’s not the example (or standard) I want to set for my child as he grows. Love isn’t something you need to beg for, work for, or pretend. To make it worse, I asked fiancé (26M) if he felt this way when he got engaged last August, to which he said “Yes. I’ve just been lying to myself.” This man had a baby with me and knew (possibly beforehand) that his heart wasn’t in it, but didn’t have the guts to tell me. So here we are. 6 years down the drain. I’m not sure if the reality of a child hit him, if infidelity is involved on his part, or if he lost attraction to me in the process of being pregnant (could be all of the above), but I’ll never know. And that’s okay.

I’m the primary provider for our son, and that won’t change. Our son (6 months) will remain living with me full-time, and fiancé is welcome to visit son. We will work out an agreement to ensure he fulfills his financial obligation to our child, and I’m not afraid to pursue the legal route if needed.

I’m 6 months postpartum. This is my first. And wow, it’s been hard, but now I’m officially doing it solo (and with the help of my mom). I’m doing the damn thing, and I’m going to do my best. Wish me luck.

Thank you, to everyone, for the words of encouragement.

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