My husband (30M) and I (25F) have been together for 3 years, and we have a 1-year-old son. We haven’t been intimate in a year, and it’s starting to affect how I feel about our relationship.

It started when I was 7 months pregnant. He said he didn’t want to be intimate because he was worried it might cause our baby to come early, which didn’t really make sense to me because we were fine before and after I got pregnant. After our son was born and he went back to work, he said he was too tired for intimacy, but still wanted some physical affection in other ways. Since December, though, we’ve completely stopped being close like that.

I know that intimacy isn’t everything, but it is important in a marriage. The lack of it is starting to weigh on me, especially because I’ve been feeling a stronger desire to connect with him like we used to. I’ve tried hinting that I want to be close, but I keep getting turned down, and it’s starting to make me feel embarrassed, like I’m asking for something that should be natural in a relationship.

I’m worried that this could be a bigger issue and don’t know how to approach it with him. Has anyone else gone through something similar? How did you handle it?

Edit: I will like to clarify I am good in bed. There isn’t anything wrong with me besides the fact I gained 30 pounds since having our son. My face card never declines. I know how to please a man. And to the people saying they feel bad for my husband. I am not the one who doesn’t want to have sex.

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