Which decision have you made in your life that caused you to experience the most internal turmoil? Why was that so?

  1. Telling my SO of 7 years that I need a break. He’s currently staying with family out of state while I manage the house and kids alone. It’s turmoil because I love him dearly and we used to have so much fun together. He has severe anxiety/paranoia and it has really taken a toll on us. He also has a short temper and anger issues. Never any abuse physically, but definitely what you would consider emotional abuse. I begged for therapy for two years. By the time he was willing to go, I was numb and resentful. He wants to come back, says we can work things out, but it was more than 2 years of it and I’m not convinced we can. I also do not feel like I was emotionally abused, although I know that’s what it was so it makes me think that I was groomed to feel this way. So I’m fighting my head against my heart and it’s awful!

  2. Selling my house – biggest mistake I ever made!! Wish I could turn back the clock

  3. dated my TA in high school when i was barely 18- he wasn’t a good guy, didn’t respect me, and choosing him for a year almost ruined my relationship with my friends and parents.

  4. Covering for my ex when he cheated on his girlfriend with me. Granted, I didn’t know they were officially together; I just thought he was involved with us both. Little did I know they had become official. He kept me out of the loop, of course. Then, she got pregnant. And, she threatened to take the kid from him, not let him be in his life (actually turned out to be true, threats were made later on when the truth came out)…..if she were to find out, so I covered for him when someone tried to out the truth while she was pregnant early on. I’m selfless, and cared more about that unborn baby than voicing the truth. It caused me so much grief, and luckily someone outed the truth after the baby was born, but it still wasn’t on my terms and the way I wanted, but I at least got to share my side of things. But that whole year was hell for me not being straight up but again, that unborn child was priority.

  5. Probably going to grad school.

    I’m in my third and final year and I know it’ll be worth it when I graduate, but it’s tough sometimes. I don’t always feel motivated to do the work and my debt keeps on increasing.

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