Being in relationship with my wife for almost 6 years, we married last years. I would say most of the time we are ok, happy, but we do argue and fight from time to time. And every time we have these fight I would feel so tired, asking myself if I never stay in this relationship would things be better.

The most recent event happen while we were walking our dog. We were having normal conversation. Then we were talking about a video game (mmorpg) item, how much would be if it were to be bought with real money (I know it's dumb). She said it's about $200, 1 disagree said it's probably close to $300.1 can't recall exact conversation, but we started to debating what's the actual amount. For me it was just about the debate, like if I'm wrong ok, cause to me it's insignificant matter regarding a video game item's value. But my wife seemed irritated. She said "you always have to be right, and you always have to put me down". I admit I do like to debate on things, but she has previously said this before so I try not to argue with her on things. And there a lot of things I agree with her on daily basis.

Then we started to walk in silence until we pass a lady who is also walking her dog, our dog pulled away and I pick her up. My wife then started a conversation with this woman, (So to clear things up for what I'm about to say, last week we're walking our dog, we had an event where another owner lost control of his dog, and it ran across the street and bit my wife) they talking about how our dogs was attacked by other dogs. The woman’s little dog was attacked by a dog similar to the one that bit my wife. My wife got worried and show her picture, that other woman wasn't sure if that's the same dog.

Anyway we left and continue to walk. Knowing my wife (she has been worried about getting rabies from the bite previously), I asked her if she is she OK. She was being very quiet so l know that she is worried about the rabies thing again. I don't really know what to say, l google about rabies cases in U.S. on the day she is bitten, and it's very rare. I try to reassure her that it's unlikely she'll get rabies from that dog bite, and the owner send a record of rabies shot. I told her it's her anxiety and ask if she have been taken her anxiety medication (she did). But she is worry about the record being fake. I don't remember the exact conversation we had but basically I told her not to think too much about it not to worry about it, But she said you don't care how I feel. I don't know how to answer that anymore so I ask would it be better if I panic and feed your anxiety would that be better? And then she started saying how I handle the situation during the night she was bitten. So that night I called local police to file a report, they also send paramedics to check her wound, then I took her to the ER. We also hire Pl lawyer next day to file our claim.

Anyway, she said I only care about getting the insurance claim. I was stunned to hear that.
Then she said why did I called the police first not trying to go hospital first. (on the night that event goes like this. 1. She was bitten 2. She went home to clean the wound and drop our dog, while I follow the guy to get his information. 3. I called the police when I was following this guy. 4. Wife came, police came, police request paramedic. 5. Then I took her to ER) And then pointed out that I asked her "this is ER within your health insurance network". At this time I was pretty shock and try to understand what was happening. Then the reality hit me, she really is implying that I care about the money more than her. I was speechless.

The night when she was bitten I wish it was me. I didn't know what to do since never encounter something like this. I google and did exactly what Google tells me to do. She got a 2 inch laceration at wrist, little blood, but nothing life threatening. So I didnt think too much. I ask her about if her insurance would cover ER just to know, I mean who likes full ER bill if your insurance can covers it. The thing is even if she doesn't have insurance I would still urge her to go and I have no problem paying for it… I wish it was me that got bitten that night, I would have way less anxiety then…

Anyway after we went home (after the argument) I really feel tired, and empty, I don't understand why she would say that. She try to apologize, saying she didn't mean it. But I feel like giving up. I know it's probably a build up from previous stuff too but I feel like l'm tired to go on. I feel like my life revolves around her and yet there is always something I do wrong. I may be at fault for her feeling the money thing, I like to joke a lot financial stuff, not serious, but I guess she took them serious. I'm just feeling drained.

TL;DR; : Should I give up? Is there something I can improve on or should we seek marriage counsel?

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