Hi! This is my first time posting on Reddit but I’ve ran my thoughts through both Americans I know but also my family and friends. And I’ve noticed both sides have been quite biased so like any other normal person I turn to you, strangers on the internet !

I live in Norway but am dating an American, he lives in the us so we’re doing long distance. And we’re thinking of moving me there. But the plan is first for me to get my college education here in Norway and then move abroad to work and live there with him.

Now I’ve seen way too many posts and articles about the American work life balance or lack there of but also how college degrees are just not worth as much anymore. I know I’m not made to be working in a blue collar job as I’m too much of a wimp for that. So I’ve set everything on college to get a good job. Is that a smart idea or should I just go for it and try to get into a trade. Are there any other options ? Pls help a girl out! I’d love any feedback or help/resources you guys have !

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