If you had say 8 hours totally free and noone bothering you for anything.

  1. Half-day today – when done at work I’m going to the gym, then doing the food shop, then collecting youngest from school, home in time for eldest to get home from school, then making the tea.

    If I had the whole day off I’d end up doing very little, by comparison.

    Wouldn’t mind a nice Chinese meal, reading a physical book (rather than an ebook which feels… less) and watching a movie I haven’t seen before.

  2. Walk in the morning, big lunch somewhere nice, maybe stop by the pub for an hour or two before coming home.

  3. It’s a lovely day today so I’d want to spend it outdoors. A perfect day for paddling about on the water.

  4. Let me reverse the question. Instead of going to a wedding today, I’d rather be at work.

    Friends of my wife and someone I really don’t get on with.

  5. I’m on holiday on a tropical island and I must say it’s quite pleasant. Would recommend.

  6. I’d love to be at the pub, I’d be having a couple of pints and a nice pub lunch.

    I’d then relax in the later afternoon and listen to a few podcasts whilst relaxing.

  7. A lie in followed by mowing the lawn.

    Oh wait, I’m WFH today.

    It’s raining.

    *sad British noises*

  8. A nerdy day of The Sims and a Dominos in the evening or a walk on the coastal path to a little beach and a picnic.

  9. Absolutely nothing, sleep until 12, have a cup of tea and watch complete shit on tv/youtube with a cheeky Big Mac. Have a wank then some whiskey and more shit on tv or play video games. This isn’t what I do but it’s what I want to do

  10. As boring as it sounds, I’d like to get on top of the housework. Summer holidays + working full time, my house looks like a bomb’s hit it

  11. Today specifically my wife has a horde of friends coming over, so I would either hole up in my home office gaming with a cheeky takeaway or take myself to the cinema (fancy that new Alien film).

  12. Go for a walk down the coast, come home and make a pot of tea and read a book. I’m trying to get compressed hours at the moment so I can do something similar to reset my brain every other week. Weekends are nice, but I love the solitude of a mid week day off when no one else is around and you get the chance to spend some quality time with yourself. It’s a different kind of relaxation.

  13. I just got into modding my game (Fallout 4) and I’m completely in love with it so would probably spend a shitton of time modding and playing for like 30 minutes.

  14. I did this yesterday. Took my kids/family to an open farm, did a few jobs that needed doing and then passed out on the sofa with one of my kids splatted on me.

  15. I am actually off today, and I’ll be spending the day reading, eating junk food, drinking coffee, and making feral noises if my wife tries to make me leave the house to do the chores I proudly proclaimed I’d do, yesterday.

  16. Really nice day today so I would 100% go for a long cycle to somewhere I had never been to before, nothing better than fucking off into the countryside on my own away from my phone and the world and getting a nice cake from somewhere along the way!

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