At my in laws’ lake house on Saturday, I overheard my sister in law and mother in law making a comment about my body (in an objectifying way) when they thought I was outside. It was the first time they had seen me in a swimsuit and they took the opportunity to make it a point of their discussion.

It bugged me. They don’t know I overheard them, but I told my husband about it. He thinks it’s no big deal, it happens, and I should drop it.

Am I being a baby about this?

  1. No you’re not. That’s rude and disrespectful. Would your husband think it’s no big deal if you were talking about his mother in the same way?

  2. I guess it depends what they were saying but generally I’d give people more latitude if you overheard their conversation than if they said something to you unless it was really nasty.

  3. You overheard something people normally are talking about. Just unfortunately you heard it. Everyone talks shit. Would be different if they said it to your face with bad intentions. Don’t make this a big deal.

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