What was ruined because too many people started doing it?

  1. Driving to work early. I used to do it, but now it’s the same as morning Rush hour.

  2. Any word or catchphrase that becomes a trend eventually becomes insufferable to hear in conversation.

  3. Downloading Instagram and then doing what they’re seeing others do on Instagram.

  4. Airline lounges. They used to be exclusive places where you could pay money to get away from the hustle and bustle during a long travel day and have a nice, quiet drink and bite to eat. Now you walk in (if you could even get in without waiting 2 hours) and places are packed, there’s dirty dishes everywhere, you got kids running around, families of six are literally shoving food in their pockets and backpacks to take with them. It’s literally probably more relaxing in a nice restaurant in the regular terminal at this point.

  5. Never been and never will but from what i’ve heard about it today and what it used to be:

    Burning Man

  6. Vinyl records.

    I was collecting vinyl from charity shops for years before vinyl had a resurgence. Prices are ridiculous and the charity shops are picked clean.

  7. Camping. It used to be so easy to find a good campsite last minute or day of but not anymore. You have to reserve months or a year in advance now, which sucks. I miss the days when living in a camper wasn’t cool.

  8. Music festivals.  We’re once small and intimate party free for alls for a niche group.  Now massive and mainstream. 

  9. Tattoos. Used to be unique to have one, now it’s unique to see a person without any.

  10. Golf. At least in Canada.

    Pre pandemic, you could get a full 18 with a cart for like 50-60 bucks most places. After they made it the only thing that you were allowed to do outside, prices slowly crept up and have stayed at around $90-120 depending on the course.

    I only play twilight at Dentonia now. A nice par 3 18 holes for under $30 is simply unbeatable.

  11. Hiking. Instagram and TikTok are filled with self-proclaimed “tour guides” who post every detail about what used to be cool unknown hikes and milk the fuck out of them for likes. Now, unless you get to a hike at 5 am expect full parking lots and conga lines up the trail head.

  12. Photography. It was once an art. Today it’s an afterthought. Just snap as many as you can and pick the nicest one to post on social media.

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