I’m not sure what to do 🙁

I (m27) have been dating my girlfriend(f27) for almost 4 months. It started quick, she was going through a divorce and ended up moving in with me very early on. Things went well at first considering all. I did just get tired of hearing about the ex many times daily. I got over that, it’s all good. But then within the last month after everything seemed settled and official stuff started going sour. We’d get into little bickers over stupid things like someone liking my Facebook posts or if I wanted to do thing A instead of B. The first real fight started three weeks ago because she wouldn’t talk to me when she was upset. I finally got her to open up and she’s been pretty good ever since. But from that point on it’s been something 2-3 times a week. She gets mad because I won’t tell her if I’m a little bothered or xyz but she goes off and makes me the bad guy if I’d make any comment. I was always “lying by hiding my feelings” or saying “oh you only do bad things”. I was just trying to voice my concerns. I do 90% of the chores in the house and just wanted help sometimes. Fast forward to this week and I had a heart to heart with her, at least I tried. I told her I’m a softy and all the little things she does really hurts and I can’t keep taking it. She left and didn’t say anything except I just point out her negatives (getting mad over little things and me not feeling appreciated for all I do around the house). We talked about it the next day. Things went well but a little off. Then first thing next morning she was upset about someone laughing at a post. I got in trouble for not talking to her because she got mad about something stupid. I was just gonna let it go but since I didn’t tell her that her sorry wasn’t enough I was the bad guy. I went home and was going to break it off with her and she did call me names like a wimp and what not but then started to apologize. Anyways after cooling down for a bit she asked me to work things out. Basically explained all her traumas and why she is like that sometimes. She’s had hard times and I get that but I feel like my heart is broken and just tired of it all. She said she would go to therapy but idek. I know she really loves me and all, she said she’s been depressed the past month and directing her issues towards me which isn’t fair. She said she would do anything to change. Idk if I can be in love with her again. I just feel empty 🥺. But I do love her, I just don’t know if it’s right.

Tl:dr idk if it’s worth it to try and fall in love again after getting hurt from so many little things.

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