So my husband has this female friend that he often used to have calls and video calls before we started dating. She lives in a different country. I found out that they used to talk as often just now recently when I started digging.

When we started getting serious and she commented that our relationship is not going to last and god knows what else she commented about me I told him that I don’t want that kind of so called friends in his life that without knowing me or seeing us they make judgments like that. And this “friend” also used to complain about her husband, it was weird to me and I told him that it is weird for her to share marriage problems with him because it wasn’t like they were even best friends, and I said that maybe she’s in love with him. After that he limited their calls maybe to a few a year just because I didn’t like her.

Fast forward 5 years. We are married, have a child. She’s divorced for 2 years now. They haven’t been talking much throughout these years. Recently he started calling her more often and deleting call details, I found out because she messaged him something like “Oh I missed your call why did you call?”. So I asked him. He said he wanted to get his cousin to marry her so he (his cousin) can move out of the country he lives. (It’s common thing in his culture. He’s Indian) So I said there’s nothing wrong in calling her for his brother but why he deleted call details? So he said that he did it so I wouldn’t get upset. I said that I will get upset more if He deletes the calls and I will think that there’s something to hide. He agreed and said that he wouldn’t call her anymore because she refused the idea of his cousin and her getting married. And then right next day he called her again and this time I got really mad. Why tell me you are not going to call her and then call again. Just be transparent whatever it is. And this time again he reacted in weird way and just deleted her number because he agrees that she might have feelings for him. Week or so passed this situation I caught him talking on the phone with her again. It was past my bedtime and I woke up for water and he hang up when saw me coming out of the bedroom. I asked his phone and he hesitantly gave it to me. I didn’t say anything and didn’t want to start fight because it was the middle of night and his birthday. So I thought instead of ruining his birthday with fight whatever it is we can figure it out next day. Then we finally had conversation. He explained that he felt bad about just cutting someone out of his life like that without explanation, and that he called and explained her that their friendship is causing disputes in our family. He told her that they won’t be able to talk anymore and she should I accept it and not be mad at him. Well, at least that’s what he told me. I forgave him and moved on, but always have this question in my mind now. Is there something going on between them?
If there’s nothing going on I don’t want this situation causing issues and fights in my family. So that’s why trying to get it out my system here.

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