I (m24) am in a long distance relationship with my girlfriend (f23) for three years. We have many ups and downs and we met irl too..
Lately life had been really hard for me because my graduation just happened and I did not have a job. On top of that my girlfriend and I come from two completely different ethnicity. I had the confidence to convince my parents to marry her in the future but she couldn't convince her parents.

So we were in relationship despite knowing that we might not marry eachother in the future because her parents won't agree.

Due to my Carrier problems and our uncertain relationship in future, i told her it's better if we both part ways. She didn't agree initially on breaking up but eventually she agreed it's for the best and we broke up..

A day after we broke up I got a job. Inspite of getting a job i wasn't really happy. It was a weird feeling I felt like I was missing out on something. Then I realised now that I have a job I don't really have anyone except my parents in this good time of my life.. She was present on the days when I was a broke student, and now that I have a job and I'm stable she wasn't with me anymore.
I wanted to share my happy times with her..

After one of breaking up I called her up.. thinking that I would ask her to get back with me.. I was very ashamed but I kept all my pride and ego aside and I called her to ask her out. I explained her everything about my job and how i missed her and how i want to spend good time of my life with her and cherish this relationship, since I would be financially stable now.

She tells me that she went on some dating apps after we broke up and she had been talking to many guy's there. It was shocking for me that she did that, but since we were not together I chose to not make it a big deal.

And then i asked her to get back together with me and she said she needs some time to decide weather she wants to get back or not. I was completely ok with her taking her timee.

But then she goes on to say that there's one perticular guy that she had been talking to, and they also connected with eachother on Instagram. And she likes that guy so she needs time to decide between me and him..

Mind you we just parted ways for one week and she found someone who looks better then me.. And they are only on the talking phase so there're not officially dating!

I'm heartbroken now and I still want her back in my life. What do y'all think i should do??

  1. You should stick to all the reasons why you broke up in the first place and find another girl

  2. I think you should let her go and leave her alone to explore her new dating goals. You two also can’t be together as you say her parents don’t accept it and you were dating knowing you may not marry one another.
    If she said yes to getting back, where would the relationship even head toward?

  3. Let her go. Find someone who really wants you and who you can potentially be compatible with long term.

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