We were driving late at night, sitting in our car waiting for the light to turn when a really bright light suddenly appeared across the horizon. I found myself enveloped in a tight bear hug. After a second I was like "babe what are you doing"?

He sheepishly got off me and said "I thought that bright light was a bomb going off".

He thought a bomb went off and instinctively threw himself on top of me to protect me. Hes so sweet and wonderful.

  1. My wife and I went into a quickie mart.. On a long trip.. Some dipshit decided to rob the place.. Stuck a shotgun at my wife’s stomach. Demanding money. Don’t know how.. don’t know why.. But I jerked her away and stepped in front of that man.. and said.. “take what you want, but not my wife, and not today.. it’s sunday!”…. That dude looked at me clueless, and grabbed something off the counter and just .. left?

    Scared the ever living pee waddin outa me.. For sure. I just stood there. For what seemed like 30 minutes but was maybe seconds.

    I (we) knew from that moment on.. If we need each other.. we are there for each other.

    You two know that now.

    35 yrs together.. I got my soul mate. Sounds like you have yours.

    Good Luck!

  2. Awww, that’s so sweet! When we were dating, if we were walking near the road and I was on the side closest to the cars, my now-husband would always make me switch places so he’d be closer to traffic. Then I’d try to switch back, and we’d both fight over who was protecting whom. I’m sure we’d still do this but we live in a neighborhood with really wide sidewalks now and not near the cars when we walk

  3. That’s really sweet. Poor guy, he must have been exhausted. This is the kind of stuff that happens when people are very tired.

  4. This is so so sweet. I knew I was going to marry my husband when he thought I was close to drowning when caught in an ocean swell and jumped off the boat into open water to “save” me… even though he’s a far inferior swimmer to me. If I couldn’t handle it, not sure how he expected that he could while rescuing me… but he didn’t think that far ahead. His instinct was just to do whatever he could. This man is normally so anxious and protective of his safety… I knew he was 100% ride or die at that moment. And that’s the only kind of partner I could ever commit to.

    I’m glad you also found such a good one, OP.

  5. Guys, please don’t read too much into it. His brain registered the bright light as danger, and even though he wasn’t sure, he acted out of instinct to protect his wife. If that’s not sweet as hell, I don’t know what is.

  6. Ngl, that would totally be me thinking a bomb went off too lol. But now you know your husband is willing to put himself between you and harms way.

  7. Awwwww.
    My husband still does the whole “throw his arm across my chest” thing if he’s driving & is forced to slam on his brakes. We’ve been together 14 years & he’s still just as protective.

  8. That is just reflex for some men. Not sure why we do it even when our brain thinks it won’t help but it shows love

  9. Is this your first day on this sub? The only thing that matters in a husband is how much porn does he watch? Duh!

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