TLDR: my bfs friend kill himself and our relationship has fallen apart because of it I need advice on how to help him and our relationship.

I 15f and my bf 16m had a good relationship we were dating for 6 months until 2 months ago his friend kill himself me and him both struggle with depression but kinda brought each other out of it. My bf lives in Slovenia and I live in Scotland but next year we were going to meet in Spain since my family has a house there I really like him a lot I thought yk we were perfect for each other. After the death I tried to be supportive but he’s just became so distant we barley talk and if we do it’s 2/3 messages then he leaves me on read or delivered for a couple days till I message again I’ve tried talking to him about the stuff but he won’t tell me anything. I really miss him like so much and I feel so guilty for being upset but he’s my boyfriend or was idk and I just lost him overnight it sucks and I think I might kinda resent him for that I don’t want to but I do he just threw away everything but it’s not his fault or his friends I feel so bad for him he’s gone through so much bs and I can’t help him with any of it but he’s helped me through all my shit. when I try to talk to him I don’t want to talk the messages he sends are so dry and I have no clue what to say. Is there any way I can help him or try and fix our relationship I really miss him and I wanted him so badly.

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