To start off, I had been with the same guy for 4 years. He broke up with me two months ago. The biggest three things in that was 1) his family thinks I should be closer with all of them by now. ( personally, I thought we were fine. I’m not the most talkative, but I did make sure to spend time with them and do things with them when planned..) 2) my family ( which doesn’t make sense to me as he said one of my parents was a burden, but he NEVER. Had to deal with them. Yes, that parent has congestive heart failure. They live with me, they are not a burden. They haven’t been the nicest to me in my lifetime but they’re truly changed. It’s been great?? I cut off my other parent), and lastly 3) he couldn’t talk to me. I would always ask him if things were okay, and he said yes, but as I figured it probably wasn’t. We’ve talked about being open with each other and I know yes there’s a couple of times I didn’t tell him he made me mad or something, but he never told me. I still can’t understand why, when we talked so much about how we needed better communication.

But now, it’s been two months. Yes, life is living and I’m “fine” but I miss him a whole lot. I’d say I’m like 90/10 on my days. It’s not that I needed him, but life was genuinely just better with him in it. I don’t know how to move on I guess after being with someone for so long…. I don’t really get out- I work a whole lot to compensate for the schooling hours I have weekly. My friends are quite busy- so I don’t go out with them at all. I talk to them frequently, but We kind of all don’t have time for hanging out much. At this point we’re all extremely busy or working opposite shifts.

It’s only two months in, but I feel like I just need help to stop harping on it. I do want him back- if we could talk a LOT. About everything and go extremely slow back into it. But I also know the reality of I’m not sure how the world works and I’ll have to get over it one day probably. I also feel the need to add- to his parents part, whatever they say goes. I just don’t know what to doooooooo Reddit people. It kind of sucks to just sit here and get a thought of missing him or wanting to share something with him but I can’t. He was my best friend.

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