My husband and I had a fight today, I won’t go much into the details. After a few hours, I texted him trying to fix things but he was so hostile towards me, and ended up blocking me. I’m currently completing my studies so I go home during weekends to see him. I guess I’m just shocked that he blocked me and pretty hurt too. I thought we were too mature for things like that. I don’t even know what to do, been trying to call him but he just hangs up.

  1. You and your husband chat on WhatsApp? My only advice would be to keep it face to face.

  2. My SO is like that too. It’s so immature tbh. I’m sick of dealing with kindergarten behavior as well

  3. There’s a fine line between wanting space to process and stonewalling, and it’s hard to know when it’s been crossed.

  4. Don’t worry. It is absolutely normal. If you push a guy over his limit he will try regain control of the situation by showing he is tough. Blocking you is a natural way. I expect he will unblock you within 24 hours. I am 16 years married and my wife and me have blocked each other at least a dozen of times, honestly it means nothing. It is the first step to reconcile because it stops further hostile messages.

  5. Talk in person. Constantly texting doesn’t allow the other person space. Don’t text after an argument, respect them enough to talk in person.

  6. Maybe reframe the situation. Your husband was very angry and needed time off to cool down. He blocked you on WhatsApp so he could take a time out.

  7. He blocked you so you both hv some peace instead of going on and on…sometimes v need break n away from each other to calm situations ..he will unblocked you just patience don’t argue when you c him IMO

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