Hi everyone,

First time posting here. Currently, 3rd year, in college (22yo male). Haven't really dated much. Taking classes in the evenings, intern almost every weekday, and go to gym on the weekend. I'm in a city college, so Greek life, sports, clubs and associations aren't really a big thing. It is more of a commuter school.

Where exactly would you meet like-minded girls on campus? I have a few friends I made in class, but no one I would consider "relationship-material". I'm afraid of running out of time when I graduate soon, especially with people saying it so much harder to find someone after college…

My friends told me I look good, so they don't see why it's so hard for me. I also see girls flirting with me and giving me glances when I'm walking to class or taking the elevator. But I don't know how to react, since both they and I are usually in motion, walking from one part of campus to the next. I don't want to come off as creepy, since I'm quite a respectful and nice guy to everyone I know. I just want something that comes naturally…

Looking for any honest advice. Thanks!

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