I’ve been seeing this girl for a while and we’ve had sex and everything. On one of those mornings after we just had a good time having sex and chatting I found her so sweet and thought the vibe was right for some confessions so I asked her if she wants to be my girlfriend. She flat out rejected me by saying “you can’t be asking me this right now”. She later explained that this is not a “no” no but because she thought we might be geographically apart soon as we are both graduating and so she doesn’t want to commit to something that seems not very realistic to her. However she also said she doesn’t want us to just go out of contact. We decided to stay in contact.
But interestingly enough whenever I sat down and looked back on this, I’m reminded how evasive she’s been this whole time about anything serious. She is fine if I asked her to hang but she never responded if I call it a date.
I do fancy her and wanna spend more time with her as her partner but she’s been quite evasive and sensitive about labels.
What does she want? What should I do?

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