my bf 20m just had a major surgery and we were away from eachother for 2 weeks. he stayed at my house for a few days(so i could take care of him) and we got into a argument (because he wanted to go home and i got upset cause it would be our last week seeing eachother for a while since school starts up soon and we will both be busy)that lead to him saying he doesnt want a relationship but doesnt wanna lose me then said a bunch of contradictory things… ''i love you i am in love with you'' '' im not in love with you'' ''i want to focus on healing'' ''my mental health is fucked'' ''i dont want a relationship at all'' then it lead to us still being together but him taking a few days to think if he wants to dump me or not. we have been fine and he continued having sex with me even though he ''has thought about this for a few weeks but didnt wanna hurt me and wasnt sure''. saying he forced himself through everything because he thought maybe he was overthinking. he constantly tells me he doesnt feel like hes enough for me but i always assure him he is MORE then enough. i just think the whole ''i wanna focus on my school, job and life and be alone'' thing is bs. cause not even a week ago he told me ''you make me feel okay with not being alone, u make me not want to be alone anymore'' aswell as telling me '' dont let me ever break up with you''. while he was away from home recovering after surgery i was just starting new meds so i became paranoid and asked constantly if he was gonna leave cause something felt off. he reassured me everytime that nothing was wrong but it seems i was correct. i stopped the meds because of the fightsit was causing. im doing everything in my power to do better for us but it doesnt seem to matter. he ''doesnt want a relatinship at all even with me''. i just think its a bad excuse. you dont go from loving someone to randomly wanting out in less then a month. i just have always been a fully commited romantic. i believe everything in a relationship can be fixed if both people want to fix it. he told me that most of him doesnt want to leave but some of him does…im just dreading and expecting the worst.. i really dont want to lose the loml…

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