I have a pretty good friend, not the best friend but one with whom I get along quite well, with whom I can discuss a multitude of topics, who understands most of the "opinions" I have, etc. with whom I was a roommate. In general, he is a pleasant personality, but for a while he started to annoy me a lot (I want to mention that we are not roommates at the moment). I don't think I can quantify all the times he got on my nerves. At the same time, I discovered vanity as the source of many negative emotions and behaviors: the desire to dominate, shyness and so on. I discovered that vanity is part of my personality, if I can say so, and I tried to correct the situation as much as possible, to notice where I behave inappropriately. And the so-called hatred started around the same time. An example of hatred was when I saw him after some time, he came to visit me, I was full of pleasant emotion to see him again but he didn't react the same way, which is ok but reacted very calculatedly saying (how happy you are to see me (I couldn't quote exactly)) but he said it so coldly so calculatedly so stoically in a bad way that I felt nothing but hatred. And this always annoys me about him, that he has these comments that I have the feeling are not addressed to me, but rather are some kind of note in his voice for him to trample us on certain levels, he always has some remarks like that related to dominance. And I can't understand if that's because I've become somehow aware of other people's vanity or because I'm too vain.

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