This post is about navigating communication in the corporate world with compassion and kindness. It’s about “thinking before you speak” and avoiding accidentally offending or triggering others.

As a kid and teen, I often struggled to find the right words in conversations. Now, as an adult, I’m more social and can usually hold a conversation without any issues. However, I still occasionally get stuck mid-sentence, trying to find the word I’m thinking of. Maybe it’s a bit more than others, or maybe it’s just normal.

What I really struggle with is choosing the right word when describing something or making a point. Sometimes, I accidentally offend someone because the word I chose didn’t fully convey what I meant. In discussions, especially on sensitive topics, using the wrong word can derail the conversation or even lose an argument. My workplace has a great culture where everyone supports each other, and I don’t want to come across as insensitive.

I believe it’s important to do our best to avoid triggering or offending others, and I strive to do this. But it’s challenging to find the right word in the moment, let alone be a walking thesaurus. During group conversations, it’s hard enough to jump in when there’s a pause, let alone analyze every word choice before speaking. Some people seem so adept at this—how do they do it?

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