My boss is really into me and I am truly uncomfortable. As a guy, I feel like if I go to HR, I’m going to look crazy or like I’m lying bc she is being passive aggressive and nothing is really in writing.

She zoom calls me randomly without notice all the time to ask me work questions and then has small talk that leads to personal conversations abt her life. I have recorded her but when I listen back, it doesn’t sound like anything concrete. It’s interpretive. She doesn’t call anyone else on my team half as much as me. I asked a few people on my team and they tell me she only really talks to them on their biweekly meetings. She calls me almost everyday to answer a question abt something I just completed to “get better understanding” but it’s never anything for me to update or correct. I know that she recently was divorced. She asks me all the time abt my plans and tells me that she is free and reminds me that we don’t stay far away from each other. It comes off as harmless bc she casually acts like she doesn’t instantly remember that we are close by until she says “oh yeah don’t you stay on so and so” and I will say yeah and then that leads into how she is always free now since her divorce as if she wants me to make a move.

I love my job, my salary, my benefits my everything…I am not trying to eff this up. It’s frustrating that I even am dealing with this and I’m just trying to handle this the right way.

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