Hi, so I just ended my friendship with my friend, and now I am scared that maybe I am the problem, or I was being dramatic because she is actually a nice person. We were talking about art and drawing as a hobby and then talked about studying. I said that I am not the type of person who can study for a whole day non-stop—I can't do it—and kept talking about drawing. Then she said that I don't enjoy anything but studying, that God made me hate everything but studying, and that she doesn't understand how some people like games and movies.

She knows that I love games and movies and that I spend a lot of time on them, so I got really annoyed when she said that, like she meant me. So I just responded, "Do you want me to clap for you?" because I felt she was bragging. I told her that it wasn't nice to say that, and it felt like bragging and making my interests seem stupid. To not make the story longer, that's how the fight started, and she told me that I am dramatic, which made me angrier.

Do you think that I was being dramatic and made a fight out of nothing? I know it's a stupid fight. Sorry for taking your time. note that my grades are higher than her so i does not make sense to brag about studying that what made me feel dramatic also

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