My husband likes to do butt play and anal on me when I’m in the right headspace and right mood. I’m sometimes hesitant to do that stuff because I have IBS-D and scared I’ll become incontinent, but we do back door stuff during each sex session ( for the most part).
We did the deed three days ago. There was no pain or blood, I was prepped and ready, lots and lots of lubricant was used and he came inside. I had no issues after or the day after. I used the bathroom for number 2, the days after, and I went but felt like it was incomplete but nothing more came out. On day 2, I had a “wet fart” ( I don’t ever have these unless I’m sick with the stomach bug and it’s coming to fast) I went to the bathroom to check and there was a small, brown wet spot on my underwear. I then wiped my behind to check and there was smears of poop. Not watery, just smears. I didn’t feel like I needed to use the bathroom but I tried anyway and nothing came out. Today ( day 3) I haven’t had any issue.. and iv gone to the bathroom twice today, and I do feel like it’s a complete movement. My question is… is this anal leakage from butt play and or anal sex? Am I becoming “loose”? Is it possible that the anal sex just stretched out my rectum causing incomplete bowel movements and that’s what causing this? Iv had this twice now after anal/ butt play. Not in a row either, but twice in a span of two months.

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