My girlfriend (F19) and i (M20), we've been dating long distance for 2 years. During this time, we have been intimate in person maybe a handful of times only because of the distance. Most of our intimate, or sexual moments happen over calls, or facetimes, because it's just the only thing thats available to us.

last week, my girlfriend told me she didn't want to initiate anything sexually over texts, calling, or facetimes anymore because in her words "it's not the same". And i fully understand that, i asked why this happened out of nowhere, and she just said she doesn't want it anymore. We are both people who have a very high sex drive, and i'd say half of the time it was her initating. So it was a shock to hear her not wanting to do anything like that anymore.

Last night she said she was horny. I asked if she wanted to do anything and she said she was tempted too and wanted too, and i was going to initiate, when she noticed i was going too, she shot me down in a harsh way, and was dry to me the entire night, I tried asking if she wanted to watch a movie on screenshare, or wanted to just talk about the next time we were planning to meet up, and it was just short responses, almost like it was a burden to talk to me.

Im not with her for sex, or anything of the sort. Whenever we do meet up, it's always been happy moments, going on dates, watching movies, shopping, etc.. I'm a very big overthinker, but i can control my thoughts and i can tell when im usually just in my own head. But this time feels different, this is a change that came out of nowhere, her being dry, in my eyes, its just a red flag.

I want to communicate with her about my feelings, but we both have communication issues. I tend to hide my emotions, and be silent, and whenever i do communicate with her, she takes it as i'm attacking her.

How should i go forward?

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