I’m shy and I don’t put myself out there and I’m planning on it but my question is how do I start?

  1. escorts or fat girls from dating apps.


    I have the same problem. It’s brutal.

  2. I don’t, I’ve tried but no luck giving up completely is the only thing left to do now.

  3. Met my partner on Facebook, then in person, then later married her, had a child. I spose I was the lucky one.

  4. Use the resources at your disposal and find others who match and are interested in your energy.

  5. How old are you?

    For me it was an accident. My roommate creeped a girl out and she sat on my lap to get him to stop talking to her. That was after a year or two of being fixated on being more outgoing, which was hit and miss depending on if I was at the right level of intoxicated.

  6. I’ve been really focused on putting myself out there this year, and my main strategy that works is to just commit yourself to doing things that you know are scary, but that you then can’t back out of.

    I’m on hinge, and for a long time I’d do that thing where you chat with someone for a week + before asking them out, lately it’s been more like 24hrs tops for me. Almost everyone says yes, not because I’m particularly interesting or good looking, but because that’s what they’re there for. They want to go out with people, if you match with someone and they take the time to message you, they’re interested. I’ve had a few people cancel/ghost on me, but it’s done wonders for my confidence/social life to just ask a woman out, lock in a plan, and then no matter how nervous I get, I have to do it.

    It’s only been a few months of this, and first dates are easy now, which I never expected. 2nd dates are still a bit of a minefield, but we’re getting there haha

  7. Trial and error in the dating department. Experience and tact will help you improve your desirability. Your mindset and charisma will continue to evolve as long as you keep doing it. Don’t think about it too much, just keep putting yourself out there.

  8. I got physically fit which put me in the circles of other physically fit dudes. The typical jocks. And girls are usually around them.

    They always realize something’s different about me compared to them. But they end up not liking it! So. Not always the best.

  9. I got physically fit and lied to myself about the type of girls I wanted. Don’t fall into the same hole, be yourself and you’ll be fine

  10. I don’t sometimes it’s alright when it’s less noisy and more talkative.

  11. Find a mentally ill girl that was dumped 2 weeks prior what I did and we were together for almost a year till she broke up with me

  12. Hopefully I find out more when I join classes in a few weeks. If I find a girl I will write a post here 😅

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