My fiancé (32M) and I (31F) have been together for a year and recently had our first baby together. A little back story, we dated our sophomore year of high school, broke up but got back together again after 15 years apart. Things are overall pretty great, except one sudden change with my fiancé. His sex drive seems to have disappeared.

When we got back together we used to make out all the time and have sex regularly. After we got pregnant, which he said he really wanted, things stopped. Sex seemed to become this scheduled chore for him, rather than the fun it used to be. He stopped initiating sex and stopped replying to my “oh fuck me” statements with his “right now!?” replies, like he used to.

I know that’s pretty normal during pregnancy, but when I let him know I noticed this change he kind of brushed it off like nothing happened. I asked him about it because I have really bad self esteem and thought I did something to change how he felt about me, but he says it’s because of his depression and PTSD from the military.

Something feels really off with it though. I guess part of me doesn’t believe that his PTSD could cause such a drastic, sudden change when he used to be so sexual, but doesn’t even make the same jokes he used to. Part of me thinks he is also just with me for a place to stay because when we got back together we were both sleeping on our friends couches. I ended up pulling money out to get a place to live and got him a motorcycle too. Idk. Just feels…. Off?

TL;DR: 32M fiancé’s sex drive took a noticeable nose dive, seemingly out of nowhere. Not sure what to do about it, but my low self esteem says I did something wrong.

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