I'm getting seriously confused about where I stand with this certain friend.

Right now I'm having difficulty handling my friend's lack of following through and lack of availability, and maybe even lack of self awareness of how this is hurting me.

Lately there's been so many times where he would suggest something we should do together. However when the appropriate time rolls around I get zero texts or follow ups to set something up. It's like he 100% forgets he even says these things to me.

Meanwhile I keep inviting him to do things, but it ends up either being he

  1. Wants quiet time
  2. Spending it with his SO
  3. With other friends

This is crazy because just last week he told me he noticed and appreciated my efforts of reaching out and wants to reciprocate that. Also that he would be more free these next few weeks. He also always thanks me for being a great friend to him.

The last straw for me (which prompted me to post here) is that I asked what the plan is today and if there's a a chance we can go golfing. He swiftly told me because he's spending some of it with his gf and that he is having friends over to dinner.

The dinner stung quite a bit because earlier this thursday he said he had nothing going on this weekend and floated the idea we can golf together. I'm not saying I'm entitled to an invite, but one would have been nice. I guess it just kind of showed he didn't think of me at all.

So Reddit, what do you think I should do here? Am I really just not important here? He really is a well meaning person, and I don't think he's doing this maliciously.

I just feel let on and I get my hopes up so many times only for it to end up as disappointment

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