A thought has been running over my head for quite some time now, DO WE EVER LOVE ANYONE UNCONDITIONALLY?
At some point in our lives, we might have claimed that “I love you unconditionally” , but really? You always have this expectation of love from the other person back, it could be any form of love language, physical or emotional intimacy. It could be your attraction towards the other person, or even that the person is your bestttt friend, who’s some or the other time available for you. The expectation to be loved like you love or even just the need of the other person being around you because it makes you happy or at peace. Isn’t a condition put any which way?
I see posts and reels being made that love needs to be unconditional but I think the last people to have loved unconditionally was probably Krishna or Shiva , we are not gods or anything near to those holy entities. A bunch of flawed human beings!!!! Can we ever love anybody unconditionally?

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